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Supporting applications to enhance your order booking process 


Tools to enhance your order booking process

Improving operational efficiency is essential in today’s world; having the right tools help achieve it. An order booking tool helps achieve efficiency in the order booking process. It helps manage orders optimally so that order management goes hand in hand with the business flow. Using technology to complete the order booking process makes the whole process streamlined and easy. Additionally, scaling up your business is smooth when you can easily handle all the orders. An order booking tool help field sales reps a great deal. It increases a sales rep’s productivity to a great extent. It allows them to customize catalogs, take orders seamlessly, keep sales records, save time, improve revenue, upsell, and more. Besides an order booking tool, there are other supporting applications and tools that can enhance the performance of your employees. 

Close-up of man's hand using his mobile phone

Here are some supporting applications that field sales reps can utilize alongside an order booking tool: 

  • BI Reporting 

In simple words, a BI tool makes data analysis easier for decision-makers. Vast amounts of data from different sources can be challenging to read, and compiling it to understand can be a tedious and time-consuming task for a human. You don’t need to spend extra time as you can deploy a BI tool that generates actionable reports for quick and informed decision-making. 

A BI tool makes accurate sales forecasts and projections. Sales reps can benefit hugely from a BI application. They can also track customer behavior and purchase history and design their promotional strategies based on relevant data with a history of customer purchases. The Radius360x BI tool provides decision makers with an insight dashboard that provides real-time actionable information. It can also show them industry insights and top-selling products. 


  • Sales Rep Application

Real-time sales updates for your business, inventory management, picking, and loading are excellent support for field sales reps and warehouse managers. They have an accurate report of inventory in hand, no. of sales done, payment status, picking and loading update, and much more. It provides immense help in proper warehouse management. 

The Radius3660x Sales Rep Application provides powerful sales solutions for your field sales reps. It helps them schedule calls and visits and makes customized catalogs for the customers. It also allows real-time sales updates for your business and can be operated through mobile devices. It gives you features like an order guide, customer history, inventory details, list of products, client notes, contact details, customized product catalog, analysis of sales, etc., to increase operational efficiency by reducing order taking time. 

Real-time data analysis makes organizations agile and aids them in taking action as quickly as possible in case of disruptions. It also helps in increasing productivity and speed of doing business. You can enhance your customer service by tracking the order feature. 


  • Delivery Route planner 

A delivery route planner finds the most optimized and cost-effective route for fleet drivers. The benefits of this application include timely deliveries, cost savings, going paperless, an ideal way for multi-stop deliveries, and much more. The managers manage their fleet on the ground effect on a single platform, and they can add critical factors like traffic, road congestion, etc., to adjust routes accordingly. You also get live updates when truck loading, invoicing, and delivery, and live updates help you keep better track of goods. Drivers can also update the deliveries, generate and print invoices on the go.

Our delivery route partner application is integrated with google maps, showing drivers the ideal journey for multi-stop deliveries. This solution also helps in returning and picking up damaged goods effectively. 

Both live updates and delivery route planners are essential tools for warehouse management. Thus, helping in avoiding unnecessary supply chain disruptions. 


  • Vendor Depletion 

A vendor is not just a supplier of goods but also a partner in the long-term success of your business. The reporting between a vendor and a distributor must be smooth, detailed, and readily available. The Radius360x mobile app makes sure that the supply chain is working efficiently. A vendor depletion tool allows the vendor/supplier to log in anytime and views their item or brand-specific depletion reports. This tool lets vendors view depletion reports for up to 12 months. They can also view sales rep account, brand, or item information. You can also create additional pieces for specific vendors if and when required. 

This tool saves sales reps time as they don’t have to assist vendors whenever a report is required personally. The vendors can log in with their login id and view any sales information they want; it is a hassle-free process for both the vendors and the field sales reps. 


  • E-Commerce Solution

E-commerce solutions allow your customers to place orders anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks. It has a user-friendly interface and easy add-to-cart and product list options. You can also provide customized integrations for your clients in this tool. This saves the sales reps much time as they don’t have to take orders on call or physically. Customers can place orders themselves without any hassle, and sales reps can invest their saved time in strategic work. 


Schedule a demo with our team to know more about our solutions. All our solutions are tailor-made for the challenges faced by our clients. These supporting applications enhance the order booking process and increase the users’ productivity. We believe in building solutions that help our clients achieve more and scale their businesses. Let us streamline and automate your workflows for the growth of your business. 


Business Intelligence
Driver App
Sales Representative App
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